Thursday, May 2, 2013

"all babies begin life 100% pure..."

"all babies begin life 100% pure... feed them accordingly"

so goes the statement on a certain brand of organic baby products we have in our house.

'first foods' photo (c) 2008, jencu - license:
on the surface it sounds good to our ears.  but if we dig down a bit deeper, we find that at best this is a platitude and at worst its an outright lie.

physically, do babies start out pure? no.

study after study recently has shown that babies are born with all the toxins found in their environment: pesticides, plastics (like BPA), and other toxic chemicals are passed from mom to baby from their first days in the womb.

emotionally, do babies start out as pure?  no.

in our foster care classes we learned that there are structural brain differences between babies born with moms who were abused versus babies whose moms were not abused.  this brain difference is because of the level of stress, and leads to the baby feeling more stress later on.

now fortunately not every mother is abused while pregnant.  however, every mother does experience stress while she is pregnant for some reason or another.  its a tragic reality in the broken world we live in.  take away everything else in life, and being pregnant alone is reason enough to cause stress.  all of this stress is transferred on to baby, though for most babies its less stress than having a mom who is abused.

spiritually, do babies start out pure? no.

the above statement about babies being pure is the general mentality of our culture.  but according to God's word, it is not true.  God's word says that ever since sin entered the world, things here on earth are tweaked.  they still retain some semblance of the good God created it all with, but things like hunger, illness, anger and death have entered the world through that sin.  and we are all born with a sin nature, a tendency toward sin, inherited from adam.  even the youngest of babies has this nature, and is not 100% (or even close to 100%) pure.

but this is not reason to despair.  it is possible to have a pure life.  but it doesn't come from organic baby food.

it comes from being washed by jesus' blood.

"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin." 1 john 1:7

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