Tuesday, February 19, 2013

exciting new series

for the past couple weeks, i have been working on a new series for this blog.  i'm so excited to finally get to share it with you all, as it will be starting tomorrow.

through comments and feedback i have heard from you all, i have discovered that for many, this blog has become a place of learning for you about foster care and adoption.  many of you are excited to learn more, even considering this step for your own family.

'Patrick' photo (c) 2012, Jody Roberts - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
as i have journeyed through the foster care system, i have discovered a dearth of resources for foster parents (especially christian foster parents).  yes, some resources exist, but they are not plentiful, and they don't cover some of the topics i would like to hear about.  (adoption resources, on the other hand, abound.  the best one i can recommend is russell moore's "adopted for life".  an EXCELLENT book)

personally, i have always been encouraged and spurred on in my life through the stories of others, whether biographies or personal testimonies.  what better way to learn more about foster care and adoption that through the personal stories of those who have done it and (especially) those who are still in the trenches?

this is the inspiration for our series "real life stories: fostering and adoption".  we will be hearing the stories of at least five (and possibly closer to 10 or 15... i'm still in the process of contacting people) foster and adoptive families.  some of these stories are joyful.  some are painful.  many are raw.  most of all, these stories are REAL, which is what needs to be shared.

our first story tomorrow will come from my cousin.  she and her husband started fostering about the same time as alex and i and they have been blessed to have been able to provide a home for four foster children, two of whom they have been able to adopt (one adoption finalized, one in process).

would you like to share your foster or adoptive story?  email me at theologista (at) gmail (dot) com.

want more?  follow theologista on facebook for more content on motherhood, recipes, fostering/adoption, theology and other fun things.  (make sure to click "show in timeline" under the settings button if you want the updates in your timeline).

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