Thursday, June 7, 2012

discouraged by your slow rate of sanctification?

sometimes i get so discouraged by how much i still sin, and how slowly God answers my prayers to make me more like Himself.  recently i have been thinking about this a lot as i have been weighed down by my thoughts: full of anxiety, jealousy, and judgment.  i ask for the grace to think about "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, [things of] excellence, [and] anything worthy of praise" (philippians 4:8), but God doesn't answer as quickly or fully as i hope.  

here is something encouraging i read today in light of that:
"things of greatest perfection are longest in coming to their growth.  man, the most perfect creature, comes to perfection by little and little; worthless things, like mushrooms and the like, like jonah's gourd, soon spring up and soon vanish"  -richard sibbes, the bruised reed

this has been a great little book so far, i commend it to anyone needing some grace for a weary soul.

1 comment:

  1. You might find good company in John Wesley. His "Plain Account of Christian Perfection" is a classic, and it is his own authentic wrestling with these questions of growth and sanctification. Plus it's a short read. :)
